News and events

Between September 2006 and July 2007, the teacher training programme covered 7 trainings for internal and 7 trainings for external Change Agents/Trainers (CATs) with a total of 27 individual training days for each teacher.

Since January 2007, internal and external CATs had been `cascading` trainings in vocational pedagogy and didactics, teaching methods and other courses to more than 850 teachers from 22 pilot schools.


Teaching Methods and Motivation
An extended part of training consists of a workshop, where teachers learn how to use teaching methods in different settings of vocational schools. For example, they learn how to use brainstorming, mind mapping, prioritizing and working with decision pies, carrying out a presentation and finding ways to assess the presentations. In the course of the four-day workshop they are also exposed to increasingly sophisticated methods such as case studies, planning projects and moderation cycles in future labs.

Vocational Pedagogy
The approach here is based on the assumption that teachers will have to be exposed to teaching and feed-back to their own teaching as often as possible throughout teacher training. This is why Micro Teaching was used here. Micro teaching is school like teaching in the presence of other teachers. In addition to Micro Teaching the teachers were exposed in these modules to basic vocational pedagogy and didactics, lesson preparation in detail, advanced teaching techniques and they also started to learn how to teach`work and business process related`.

Interpersonal Communication Skills
The aim of the training is to help teachers to develop skills needed to interrelate with each other in a variety of school and workplace situations and settings, using self-assessment and feedback instruments. Furthermore, course challenges teachers to make sound decisions for how to best use interpersonal communication skills for themselves and to apply this process, whenever possible, in today's workplace in vocational schools and enterprises in Serbia.

Special Techniques for Internal and External CATs
Two separate courses, one for internal CATs and for external CATs were offered. For internal CATs it consisted of specific modules on coaching, counselling and working with key competencies in lesson planning. External CATs focused on career guidance, job counselling, carrying out skills and training needs analysis and setting up tracer studies. The training end with four teacher training modules, which are the same for both internal and external CATs, namely assessment techniques, team building, organisational techniques, such as time management and others and finally `mainstreaming` including gender and environmental aspects.

IT training
Training builds on teachers' existing knowledge of Microsoft Office . The main part of the course consists of practical business and other applications (e.g. letter writing, making calculations and presentations) with the help of Windows Office (Word, Excel, Power Point and others).

Applied Vocational Pedagogy
In each of the three sectors two-day training courses were run independently. Eache teacher was exposed to teaching and practical lessons and observed several lessons of peer trainers and others in these modules. During the trainings Trial-run Teaching Situation (TRTS) was used - teachng experiments where the teacers show where they are in their development as teachers of new occupational profiles. TRTS were preformed in real schools and groups of teachers prepared lesson plans and carried out teaching situations in front of the teacher trainers, members of the peer group and other colleagues of the schools where the TRTS were preformed.

Entrepreneurship Development
During the five-day trainings teachers acqired awareness of enterprises and self-employment as a career opotion for young people in vocational education in a specific sector. The interactive course was geared towards developing positive attitudes towards enterprises and self-employment, getting knowledge and practice about desirable attributes for and challenges in starting and operating a successful enterprise and getting prepared to later facilitate the school-to-work transition.

Additional Support to VET Reform Programme
 This project is funded by the European Union -  www.europa.rs